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Gout Daily News and Information http://goutdaily.com Gout and You: Your Diet, Your Life, Your Natural Options Thu, 05 Apr 2018 19:57:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.5

http://goutdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/joint-inflammation-1-150x150.jpg Gout Daily News and Information http://goutdaily.com 32 32 The Danger of Artificial Sweeteners http://goutdaily.com/the-danger-of-artificial-sweeteners/ http://goutdaily.com/the-danger-of-artificial-sweeteners/#respond Thu, 05 Apr 2018 19:57:07 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=211 Just how bad are fake sugars for you?  Let’s just start by making you aware that saccharin was discovered over 150 years ago by a chemist working with coal tar.  Coal tar — you know, a well-known carcinogenic material.  Studies dating back to the 1970’s concluded that saccharin was linked to bladder cancer in laboratory rats.  If that isn’t evidence enough……  Yet, a gazillion conflicting studies later and we still have an issue that remains under intense debate.  Saccharin is sold under brand names such as Sweet and Low®, Sweet Twin®, and Necta Sweet®.

In 2013, The European Food Safety Administration deemed aspartame “safe” at current usage and exposure levels, going as far as to say it won’t cause cancer.  However, the Center for Science in the Public Interest denounced this review stating it was a complete “whitewash” of the truth.

So what do we know for sure?  There have been enough studies to show these zero-calorie sweeteners are posing health risks, even if Cancer has been pushed aside, and they certainly are NOT helping people to lose weight.  Aside from the fact that many of these sweeteners are made from genetically modified crops, they literally trick our body in dangerous ways.  They mimic high calorie intake, in turn, tricking the gut and the way we taste food, while offering no true source of energy.  Artificial sweeteners have been linked to inflammation and inflammatory conditions such as IBD, Obesity, Diabetes, and more.

Sucralose is the additive marketed as Splenda®, a chemically altered version of our natural sucrose.  Sucralose is produced by chlorinating sucrose to change the molecule structure, trading three hydroxyl groups for three chlorine atoms.  You heard that right, we are allowing ourselves to consume another well-known carcinogen, chlorine, to rid of the calories.  I can’t for the life of me understand how exactly the FDA can allow for this to be used on our food and drinks, but I digress.

Aspartame, sold under the names of Equal®, NutraSweet® and Sugar Twin®, can be found in thousands upon thousands of products.  Evidently, some falsified reports from the Searle Company have come to light since their statute of limitations expired, shedding light on some serious discrepancies between what has been reported and the actual findings.  In fact, 80% of all food additive complaints involved NutraSweet.  Is this sweetener toxic?  Aspartame has been investigated as having possible links to headaches, dizziness, memory loss, fatigue, diarrhea, epilepsy, birth defects, mental retardation, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, and brain tumors.

Acesulfame potassium, branded under Sunett® and Sweet One®, has been found to contain a carcinogenic chemical called Methylene chloride with long-term exposure being linked to headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, visual disturbances, kidney and liver problems, and even cancer.

These dangerous artificial sweeteners are lurking in many of our prepared foods, drinks, and even medications.  They have few limitations on how many different names they can assume and hide on our labels (see below).  They can be found in children’s vitamins, toothpaste, mouthwash, cough syrup, gum, zero-calories waters and other beverages, alcoholic drinks, candy, baked goods, yogurt, cereals, snack foods, prepared meats, salad dressings and more.  Please continue to follow research, learn as much as you can, and avoid them at all costs.  While the FDA may label these as “generally safe”, much of the information above says otherwise.  If you need to sweeten, go for the real thing.  While regular sugar, and anything that sweetens should remain in moderation, there are safe and natural alternatives including honey, natural maple, and stevia. In fact local honey (in major moderation) and all natural stevia have shown plenty of promise FOR your health, not against.

CHECK YOUR LABELS!  These toxic fake sugars are known to be listed under a number of different names including:

  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Alitame
  • Cyclamate
  • Dulcin
  • Equal
  • Glucin
  • Kaltame
  • Mogrosides
  • Neotame
  • NutraSweet
  • Nutrinova
  • Phenlalanine
  • Saccharin
  • Splenda
  • Sorbitol
  • Sucralose
  • Twinsweet
  • Sweet ‘N Low
  • Xylitol
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Low-fat Diet Myths and Our Deteriorating Health http://goutdaily.com/low-fat-diet-myths-and-our-deteriorating-health/ http://goutdaily.com/low-fat-diet-myths-and-our-deteriorating-health/#respond Thu, 22 Mar 2018 13:09:17 +0000



Is it just a coincidence that ever since we adopted low-fat and fat-free diet plans our health deteriorated?  The craze began back in the 70’s and 80’s, and by the early 90’s foods with little to no fat were flying off the shelves.  The American Heart Association, food manufacturers, physicians, and even drug manufacturers had convinced us that all saturated fats led to obesity and heart disease.  People began trading nuts for pretzels, whole milk for skim, potatoes -hold the sour cream, and even still buying cookies so long as they were labeled “fat free.”  Dietary fats and all cholesterol were deemed to be bad for our health.  Yet, over this same 30+ year time span of ‘healthier’ eating the incidences of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease have soared to alarming rates.  In addition to all of the fat-free products flying off of the shelves, so have the cholesterol-lowering and blood pressure lowering drugs.

So wait……the same industries whose research brought us into this craze have seen drastic profit increases from the very conditions they were said to be protecting us from?  I’m sure the conclusions were just a big mistake, I mean fat does sound bad.  Quite honestly, there must be some evidence that led to these conclusions, however misguided.  The real problem resides in the fact that we moved from one extreme to another, never fully evaluating the consequences of doing so.  Firstly, we demonized all fats, many of which are absolutely essential to our health.  Secondly, we made the mistake of accepting chemically-altered and sugar-laden foods as suitable, even worse, as ‘healthier’ low-fat alternatives.  We didn’t even trade calories!  Most of these same low-fat and fat-free foods contain the same calories as their full fat counterparts.  Instead we traded fats for carbs, namely in the form of sugar  — a mistake that has cost many their health.

As a matter of biology, we NEED fats in our diet.  Fats provide energy, building blocks for our cells, carriers for fat-soluble vitamins, and even help us avoid over-eating by slowing the absorption of a meal.  Conversely, higher refined carbs and sugar-laden alternatives have been shown to cause cravings and even lead to us consuming upwards of 500 extra calories a day yearning for that hunger satisfaction.  Fats are also necessary for hormone balance, blood-sugar balance, protein absorption, and cholesterol balance.  YES, cholesterol balance.

WE NEED CHOLESTEROL!  This is another sorely misunderstood and quite dangerous myth fed to us via propaganda.  Science has shown time and again that cholesterol does not cause Athersclerosis.  In fact, low blood cholesterol levels have been linked to depression, violence, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and even death.  This is not to be mistaken with the subtypes of LDL, the small and dense portions that ARE related to heart disease.  Healthy fats actually alter the dense LDL into the fluffy and health protecting sources that lead to the rise in HDL (good) cholesterol.  LDL is not ‘bad’, but the unhealthy dense version most certainly can be a problem, especially when HDL levels are low.

Another item that rose in popularity during our fat-free craze is none other than trans-fat.  When we shied away from animal fats, we turned more towards processed grains and vegetable oils.  Margarine replaced butter, cereal replaced eggs and bacon.  These trans-fats are directly responsible for our LDL cholesterol levels becoming thick and dangerous, while also thought to lower our HDL.  Our bodies are not programmed to process hydrogenated oils.  This is the type of fat that poses a serious risk to our health, especially our heart health.

Aside from the obvious dangers we have covered above, another modern illness we’ve seen on the rise is Gallbladder disease.  Could this also be related?  Gallbladders rely on fat in order to release the stored bile acids and break them down for proper digestion.  In the absence of this fat the gallbladder becomes not only congested from holding onto this thick, sticky bile, but more importantly, it becomes atrophied.  Ever heard of use it or lose it?  If the gallbladder becomes weak and used to such a low-fat diet, what do you think happens when a full fat splurge meal is suddenly consumed?  Can we say ‘gallbladder attack’?  Could this be the cause of such a sharp rise in gallbladder stones, attacks and removals?  Instead of adhering to the low-fat diet suggestions and rushing into the surgery room, try to SLOWLY reintroduce healthy fats back into the diet and allow the gallbladder to regain its strength.  Consider consulting a nutritional therapist before caving to its removal.  A part of the body attacking you is trying to tell you something, removing it doesn’t resolve why it happened in the first place.

And what about inflammation?  Inflammation is at the root of all diseases, from Arthritis and Gout to Heart Disease and Cancer.  Chronic inflammation of the liver has also risen dramatically and been linked to the Western diet, a diet full of unhealthy fats and candida bacteria feeding sugars.  There is undeniable evidence between our need for Omega-3 fatty acids and our ability to combat chronic inflammation.  Dietary fats play a vital role in our inflammatory responses.  Without enhancing our diet to remove these unhealthy fats and increasing the intake of the Omega 3-rich healthy fats we have been missing, we will continue to feed this trend of inflammation and disease.

Many scientists are getting behind the new findings, while some remain stubborn on the need for certain sources of saturated fat.  Food suggestions are changing.  We are seeing a shift in recommending full-fat products and natural, organic versions of animal fats.  What we need to be sure of, is finding balance.  Shifting over to a full-fat, highly saturated fat diet isn’t going to help this case.  Going back to enjoying bacon and steak in all meals isn’t the answer.  The diet, and each meal for that matter, should still contain a majority (70-80%) of healthy, alkaline foods — mostly fresh veggies, herbs, spices, some fruits, and fermented foods. The other 30% should come from a healthy protein source.  Grass-fed, free-range, and organic resources are important for our beef, poultry, eggs, seafood, and full-fat dairy products.  Do not avoid raw nuts (not cooked in unhealthy oils), seeds, coconut oil, avocados, egg yolks, olives, olive oil, organic butter.  They are NOT bad for you and should be a part of your healthy fat diet.  Move away from canola oil, sugar, fake sugars, refined grains, and processed foods in general.  Good fat and proper balance will not make you gain weight, in fact it will help manage your weight, support detox, boost your cholesterol profile, and support liver health.


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Can Cellular Dehydration be a major cause of Disease? http://goutdaily.com/can-cellular-dehydration-be-a-major-cause-of-disease/ http://goutdaily.com/can-cellular-dehydration-be-a-major-cause-of-disease/#respond Fri, 09 Mar 2018 14:53:44 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=194 Yes.  Proper hydration is a fundamental requirement to maintain the health of our bodies.  Our bodies are 75% water and 25% solid matter.  Water is needed to eliminate waste and provide nourishment, in addition to regulating billions of other activities in the body.  Hydration takes place when the minerals connect with water and provide electrolytes, cellular fluids, and tissue balance.  This balance is crucial to preserve the electrical charge of our cells, as well as maintain a healthy pH of our tissues and cells.

There is a staggering number of people who are severely dehydrated at a cellular level and virtually have no idea.  Many believe they are hydrating by drinking coffee, tea, juice, soft drinks, and even beer.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, all of the aforementioned beverages can be DE-hydrating!  Those beverages have a diuretic effect which encourages the body to eliminate fluid, rather than retaining it. Irregular fluid levels can lead to numerous diseases including congestive heart failure, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, and many more.

Water is essential to the functions of our bodies and the maintenance of our cells structures.  Water serves as a means to transport nutrients, hormones and more.  In the presence of chronic dehydration, histamine is released to insure the organs have enough water to operate properly.  If we do not provide the water necessary to do so, the body will have to pull it from its own resources.  When histamine becomes overactive one can experience symptoms involved with allergies, asthma, constipation, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic pain and inflammation that presents itself in various ways such as a migraine headache.

How is dehydration related to joint pain?

Cartilage is composed of mainly water and as these surfaces drift over one another cells can become worn.  New cartilage is supposed to replace these damaged cells but require water to transport the nutrients necessary to perform the repair.  This can quickly escalate into chronic joint pain and/or conditions that cause joint pain.  With regards to Gout, proper hydration is also essential to carry the uric acid out of the body through urination and bowel movements.

Cellular dehydration can negatively impact just about every part of the body.  These imbalances can cause:

Pain: Joint pain, Muscle Pain, Headaches, Arthritis, Brittle Bones

Skin: Itchy, Dry, Psoriasis, Eczema

Hair: Dry, Coarse, Alopecia

Nails: Dry and Brittle

Eyes: Dry and Irritated

Colon: IBS, Constipation, Colitis

Lungs: Asthma

Immune System: Allergies

Digestive System: Acid Reflux and Ulcers

Mental Health: Depression and Mood Swings

Blood Sugar Imbalances: Type 2 Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia

Heart: Abnormal Blood Pressure and Abnormal Cholesterol

Weight Change

Kidneys: Fluid Retention

Well being: Poor Sleep, Low Energy, Food Cravings (sugar)

By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.  All of the above are warning signs of potential dehydration.  Mild to moderate cases can usually be resolved with proper water intake.  Severe dehydration can be a bit more complex to resolve.  Simply consuming the proper amount of water won’t necessarily deliver the body from this condition as one would be at the point of chronic electrolyte imbalance.  Water and electrolyte replacement will be necessary to correct at this stage.  Distilled and reverse osmosis water supplies could be useful during short term use for someone that does NOT have a hydration problem.  These water sources could be used during as short cleansing as they act like diuretics and tend to push minerals out of the body.  In the presence of dehydration, it is important to stick with a good, pure filtered water option.  Do not be fooled by substitutes that claim to be healthy, such as Vitamin water.  You can safely enjoy a high-quality coconut water, some yogurt, and cottage cheese, all in moderation, to help restore the electrolyte imbalance.  A cup of full fat yogurt with 1 tsp of Fenugreek powder is said to be an extremely valuable home remedy.  Be sure you are consuming a high quality salt on your fresh (NOT processed) foods.  Avoid table salt.  Taking an Epsom salt bath can also help to absorb magnesium through the skin and as a bonus can help relieve the pain, soreness, and inflammation associated with chronic dehydration.

In terms of water needs per individual, we recommend about 1/2oz per pound of your body weight, adjusted up during times of water loss like sweating. 


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Chronic Stress, Chronic Inflammation, and Disease http://goutdaily.com/chronic-stress-chronic-inflammation-and-disease/ http://goutdaily.com/chronic-stress-chronic-inflammation-and-disease/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 17:07:31 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=182 We all know that stress can cause ailments such as difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, changes in appetite, headaches, stomach problems, panic attacks, and prolonged feeling of sadness or worthlessness.  But, did you also know that stress can literally alter the cells in our body and lead to chronic inflammation and serious diseases?  Prolonged, overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can wreak havoc on the mind and body.  Chronic stress can reprogram the cells in our body and disrupt all of it’s processes. 

A region at the base of our brain, the hypothalamus, is set off in the presence of a perceived threat.  In turn, this signals the pituitary and adrenal glands to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.  Cortisol is the main hormone responsible for stress response and releases glucose into the bloodstream, enables the brain to utilize this sugar release, and help release substances that repair the body’s tissues.  This vital process triggers our body’s fight or flight reactions.  In the presence of chronic stress, this response remains turned on decreasing tissue sensitivity to the hormone and altering it’s ability to regulate inflammation.  As we’ve learned in previous postings, chronic inflammation can set off a whirlwind of disaster furthering current or promoting the development of disease.

Stress and Cardiovascular Disease

When stress is triggered, cortisol constricts the blood vessels and increases blood pressure in order to deliver more oxygen to the blood.  This is another healthy and necessary reaction, but not when it is perpetually stimulated.  Constant constriction of the vessels can lead to damage and plaque, in turn, the possibility of a heart attack.

Chronic Stress, Weight Gain, and Type 2 Diabetes

During stressful situations cortisol taps into the body’s protein storages and provides the body with glucose.  This energy source aids in stressor fight or flight response.  What could happen in the presence of chronic stress and consistently high blood sugar levels?  A main function of cortisol is to impede the effect of insulin rendering our cells insulin resistant.  If cortisol remains continually elevated, so does our insulin resistant state.  The pancreas can only keep up with this intense demand for insulin for so long and when these glucose levels remain high in the blood, our cells become starved of the sugar they need.  These cells are also now starved of energy which can send out hunger signals to the brain.  These misfiring cues often stimulate cravings for high-calorie foods and easily lead to overeating.  On top of it all, unutilized glucose is stored as body fat.  Essentially, unchecked chronic stress can lead to weight gain, obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes.

The Suppression of the Immune System

Stress is not always a bad thing.  Cortisol aims to reduce the inflammation in the body.  However prolonged cortisol release can also suppress the immune system.  When the immune system is subjected to incessant inflammation, the systems of the body fail to communicate.  When the organs and functions of the body are no longer working together you are placed at a much higher risk for a multitude of serious health conditions ranging from elevated cold and flu susceptibility to something as critical as Cancer development.

Chronic Stress and Gastrointestinal Complications

A cortisol-inundated, stressed body compromises digestion and nutrient absorption and indigestion ensues.  The mucosal lining becomes irritated and inflamed placing you at risk for Ulcers, Colitis, IBS and digestion impaired conditions.  Close to 80% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract.  These systems are completely dependent on one another.  Probiotics are one way to combat these acids, but ultimately relieving the stress causing it remains key.

Stress, Joint Health and Chronic Pain

Stress can cause quite a bit of muscle tension creating even more pain for those suffering with joint problems such as Arthritis.  Stress is also very acidic to the body, stripping vital nutrients such as Vitamin B5.  B5 helps the body to excrete excess Uric Acid posing a much higher risk for Gout suffers to experience an attack during stressful times in their life.  Acidic and Alkaline (pH) balance is crucial to controlling, or avoiding, all sorts of health conditions.  Our emotional state has a direct affect on the pH level in our body, even to the point where positive feelings of joy and laughter can actually produce alkaline conditions.  Unabated stress can cause a myriad of problems, as you can see.  If you combine the negative, acidic emotions with an acidic diet and physical stress, one can trigger inevitable health consequences.

Stress management is crucial to your health and can be controlled with a balanced diet, plenty of water, sleep, exercise, meditation, aromatherapy, getting outside, communication, music, a good book, vitamins and supplements.  Do not ignore stress, your life and livelihood depend on your attention to this matter.




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Arthritis and Gout are no longer considered “old men’s diseases”……..and they are dangerous! http://goutdaily.com/arthritis-and-gout-are-no-longer-considered-old-mens-diseases-and-they-are-dangerous/ http://goutdaily.com/arthritis-and-gout-are-no-longer-considered-old-mens-diseases-and-they-are-dangerous/#respond Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:26:24 +0000


These painful joint conditions were once considered the inevitable outcome of old aging joints.  However, these painful conditions have more than doubled in the past 10-15 years, with a shocking amount of sufferers now found to be under the age of 40.  Doctors have seen the sharpest rise in patients in their 20’s and 30’s, some 30% since 2012, suffering from a disease that was once thought to be limited to royalty.  Not so coincidentally, the rise in obesity, Diabetes Type 2, and prescriptions such as low-dose aspirin and diuretics has occurred almost simultaneously.

Even still there is large percentage of the population that suffers silently having never been diagnosed, or sometimes misdiagnosed.  Gout especially can be overlooked by medical professionals due to inaccurate blood measurements of Uric Acid.  Unless the fluid is directly aspirated from the joint it can be difficult to identify.  Many that are under an attack at the time they are seen by a physician will have low to normal blood serum Uric Acid levels.  Why is this?  While someone is under a Gout Attack the Uric Acid has crystallized and ferociously jabbing at their joint(s).  While it is in crystal formation and attacking the joints, it is rare for soluble levels to measure high in the blood concurrently.  If that was the case, one isn’t likely to be under an attack and in such pain.  Is it possible to be under an attack and still have high soluble amounts in the blood?  Yes, but that should be cause even more concern.

Many of these conditions are precursors to much more serious and deadly diseases affecting the heart, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, and more.  If you are suffering from joint pain of any kind, inflammation is present in your life and poses a much higher risk for secondary, often more dangerous, diseases.  Many don’t realize how these conditions can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, etc.  Preventative action could save your life.  Do we need to consider treating all of these conditions the exact same way?  To a large degree, absolutely. The underlying, common factor of Inflammation can and should be addressed.  There is still so much to be learned about the connections between the death of our cells and inflammation, but one thing is for sure — chronic inflammation is at the root of all of these painful and life-threatening conditions.  Diet and lifestyle changes are non-negotiable if you truly want confront these health threats.  If becoming a walking pharmacy is not your idea of living, the choice is clear. 

Say no to medication and yes to meditation.  Trade soda for water, always.  Even better, add some fresh squeezed lemon to that water.  If you feel the need for a sweet drink every once in a while try some fresh brewed tea with stevia added for all natural sweetness.  Address your diet, address it honestly.  Exercise.  A good deal of heart-pumping and sweat WILL make you feel good.  Sleep!  Sleep an extremely underrated health habit and so very important.  Understand that even the best diet still needs additional vitamins and supplements.  Our soil just isn’t what it used to be and supplements fulfill that void.  



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Antibiotics- How do they affect your health? http://goutdaily.com/antibiotics-how-do-they-affect-gout-arthritis-inflammation-and-your-health/ http://goutdaily.com/antibiotics-how-do-they-affect-gout-arthritis-inflammation-and-your-health/#respond Tue, 30 Jan 2018 21:46:34 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=162 Gout, Arthritis, Inflammation and Antibiotics


Antibiotics have played an integral role in modern medicine saving countless lives from bacterial pathogens that would have otherwise claimed them.  This holds true under terms that we remain responsible with the administration of such a powerful resource.  Unfortunately, organisms evolve and as such we have found ourselves at the mercy of antibiotic resistant microbes stemming from the misuse and overuse of Antibiotics.

Antibiotic literally means “against life.”  While its role has been critical in destroying the life of bad bacteria, antibiotics are indiscriminate when it comes to the life of the good bacteria our bodies still need to survive.  Research has shown that childhood antibiotic use can inhibit the normal growth and development of healthy gut bacteria.  Over 70% of the immune system resides in our gut and is home to the trillions of bacteria that play a crucial part of our physical and mental health.  We are now learning how the general shaping of our intestinal health early on in life can determine our future dealings with our immune systems and disease.

The sweeping manner in which antibiotics attack ALL bacteria leaves us vulnerable to conditions that stem from the depletion of vital strains of good bacteria needed to ward off disease.  Repetitive or long-term use of antibiotics, without good bacteria replacement, renders us susceptible to the chronic intestinal inflammation we now know stems from this depletion.

A study was conducted on female mice given several high-dose antibiotics during the course of their pregnancy and then administered to their babies for the first 3 weeks of their life.  Tests were conducted at 8 weeks old and of course found a significant reduction in gut bacteria by comparison to the control group who had not received any antibiotics.  The CD4 T cells were examined in both the treated and untreated to see if they could induce intestinal inflammation in other mice.  The treated group was found to induce significantly more severe and rapidly forming disease than the immune cells of the control group.  The mice treated with antibiotics also experienced an increase in stress hormones suggesting a connection between gut bacteria and the body’s response to stress.

CD4 (T-cells) are white blood cells that play a vital role in protecting our body with our natural inflammatory response.  Overactive immune response, chronic inflammatory response, can lead to the development of conditions like Gout, Crohn’s, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases.

Our guts require a delicate balance of bacteria.  This is necessary to treat and prevent inflammation and disease causing pathogens.  Ultimately, gut flora is altered by stress, diet, “overly clean” environments, antibiotics and more.  These conditions are not lost to intervention(s) that can shift, prevent, and even treat autoimmune conditions.  Adopting gut-healthy lifestyles through better balanced diets, stress reduction, immune and organ enhancing vitamins and supplements, taking a high quality probiotic, proper water intake and exercise can pave a new path for anyone seeking disease control and prevention.

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The Negative Effects of Antibiotics on The Body http://goutdaily.com/the-negative-effects-of-antibiotics-on-the-body/ http://goutdaily.com/the-negative-effects-of-antibiotics-on-the-body/#comments Tue, 16 Jan 2018 19:39:36 +0000


Believe it or not the Antibiotics you are popping like candies come with harmful side effects that can cripple you. Antibiotics may be prescription drugs meant to treat infections, but they usually do more harm than good. Some of its negative effects include:


Prolonged use of antibiotics can cause inflammation in the large intestine. Known as Clostridium difficile- induced colitis, the condition is the result of the
growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Typical symptoms of the condition include loose stools, bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain that can be crippling in its intensity. In worse case scenarios, you can also get a fever along with these symptoms if you take antibiotics for your ailments. The risk of developing this condition increases as we age and it is
particularly high in infants and children.

Most antibiotics change the quality of healthy bacteria in the intestines and allow the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria. The latter is imminent as these meds create an environment in the gut that is ideal for the growth of said bacteria such as the Clostridium difficile. This bacterium releases toxins that attack
the lining of the large intestine leading to inflammation.


Gout is caused when there is an excess of uric acid in the body. This is usually generated naturally in the body when purine containing food is digested. Usually, a high purine intake results from failing kidneys or impaired metabolic functions. However, antibiotics can also result in the same condition as these are
known for destroying probiotics in the body.

Probiotics effect bowel movements and if these are deficient, we cannot expel uric acid as rapidly as we need to. This leads to an increase in uric levels in the blood which leads to gout. The condition usually affects the lower extremities such as the legs and feet but it can also affect the joints in our hands and

Common symptoms include tenderness and restricted movement in the joints and severe pain during an attack. The pain can last for several hours or even days depending on the severity of the gout.

Joint pain

Besides age, joint pain such as tendonitis can occur prematurely for anyone who takes antibiotics regularly. Certain ones such as Criprofloxacin can cause this condition which can lead to tendon rupture. The effects can also manifest in your shoulder, hands, ankle and other parts of the body that contain

Tendonitis can affect people of all ages but the risk increases with age. However, antibiotics can speed up the degradation process which can lead to rheumatoid arthritis. This is a condition in which the body turns on itself and attacks the joints which can lead to pain and swelling. Muscles can also take a hit from over-use of antibiotics by weakening with time.

Antibiotics may be considered to be a miracle cure for most ailments, but it can do more harm than good overtime. If your doctor prescribes them, make sure to discuss possible repercussions of the drug with them beforehand.

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This Is Your Brain On Turmeric…… http://goutdaily.com/your-brain-on-turmeric/ http://goutdaily.com/your-brain-on-turmeric/#comments Fri, 12 Jan 2018 21:14:43 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=140 Are we doomed for cognitive decline as we age?  Not necessarily.  There are plenty of healthy, thriving older adults pushing into their 70’s and 80’s with cognitive functioning as well as, sometimes even better than, younger adults.  Cognitive decline is far from uniform, with many variables in play.  However, 1 in 9 Americans will suffer with some level of decline by the age of 65, with 1 in 3 by the age of 85.

Where and how does it all begin?  We know that inflammation is at the heart of all disease.  Often times the signs of chronic inflammation begin with achy muscles and joints.  We find ourselves at the doctor being prescribed something specifically for that ailment.  What we need to be considering is how that inflammation could be affecting other parts of our body, as well.  We are programmed to treat each symptom individually, and as separate conditions, when we should actually be addressing the inflammation in the body as a whole before it continues to creep into and destroy other parts of the body.  What does this have to do with your brain?  EVERYTHING!

Inflammation in the body can lead to the formation of abnormal protein structures in the brain.  Our bodies are programmed to seek and destroy these abnormal formations with healthy cells that bind to these dangerous beta-amyloid plaques.  In the presence of chronic inflammation our immune systems simply can’t perform as they should and left unchecked these proteins continue to accumulate.  Cerebrovascular pathologies can lead to generalized cognitive decline, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, mood disorders and even strokes.

We have seen any number of herbs, vitamins, and medications that attempt to address our brain health and memory boosting abilities.  To date, nothing has even come close to the studies and results of the golden powerhouse spice known as Turmeric.  Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant found in Turmeric and is the compound that gives Turmeric it’s yellow hue and healing powers.  India has the highest consumption of this healing herb and culinary spice and the lowest incidence of cognitive decline anywhere in the world.

How do we get enough of this amazing spice in order for it to be effective?  Many don’t enjoy the taste enough to use it daily so they typically resort to a supplement.  However, there are some herbs/spices that we just can’t get enough of to do the trick.  Turmeric is one of them.  Turmeric is not easily absorbed and fully utilized by the human body, unless you obtain the right form.  Many formulations find that adding Piperine (black pepper) can enhance the absorption rate.  Recent studies have shown even more promise with a formulation known as BCM-95®.  Super Bio-Curcumin® (BCM-95®) showed 6.3 times greater bioavailability (absorption and sustainability over 8 hours) in humans compared to plant-bound curcumin with piperine (as measured by the area under the curve [AUC] in a plot of blood levels against time, that is, the total amount of curcumin absorbed by the body over 8 hours).  There are some amazing products on the market today that combine this ingredient with other powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to provide us with the ultimate brain, joint, heart, liver, kidney, and blood protection available.  Addressing chronic inflammation directly can help you avoid a new prescription drug for every ailment that stemmed from and grew from the inflammation in the first place.


Turmeric compound boosts regeneration of brain stem cells

September 25, 2014
BioMed Central
A bioactive compound found in turmeric promotes stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the brain, reveals new research. The findings suggest aromatic turmerone could be a future drug candidate for treating neurological disorders, such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
BioMed Central. “Turmeric compound boosts regeneration of brain stem cells.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 September 2014. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140925205819.htm>.
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Probiotics May Help Decrease Inflammation and Treat Inflammatory Disease http://goutdaily.com/probiotics-may-help-decrease-inflammation-and-treat-inflammatory-disease/ http://goutdaily.com/probiotics-may-help-decrease-inflammation-and-treat-inflammatory-disease/#respond Tue, 09 Jan 2018 18:32:04 +0000

http://goutdaily.com/?p=133   Science has determined that chronic inflammation plays a role in many diseases, including those that are commonly understood as inflammatory diseases as well as others that were not originally connected with inflammation, such as obesity and diabetes. Now it appears that probiotics, healthy bacteria that live in the gut, may be a key to help treat many inflammation-associated diseases, like ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics may also help alleviate many of the uncomfortable symptoms experienced by people who must take antibiotics for extended periods of time.

The Role of Probiotics in Fighting Inflammation

In healthy people, inflammation helps the body fight off infection. When inflammation doesn’t switch off at the appropriate time, however, it can lead to tissue damage, swelling and chronic pain. Among the diseases believed to be connected to chronic inflammation are psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. A number of recent studies have suggested that probiotics – the healthy bacteria that help your body digest foods and ward off infection – actually help reduce inflammation. In one study, people who had an inflammatory disease took a specific strain of probiotics for eight weeks. At the end of that period, they had significantly lower levels of inflammation than people who had taken a placebo. Healthy people who took the probiotic bacteria also showed a reduction in inflammation.

However, the study only examined the effects of one particular strain of probiotics, and other studies with probiotics have suggested that they increase immune system function rather than decrease it. These things aren’t necessarily contrary, though, suggest some doctors. In fact, using the term “probiotics” might just add to the confusion over exactly how and what they do in the gut and the immune syndrome.

Probiotics are not a single monolithic type of organism. A healthy gut contains a balance of many different types of bacteria, each of them affecting the body – helping or hurting it – in some way. Scientists have found that gut culture – the profile of probiotics present in a person’s gut – varies from one person to another, but that people who grew up in close proximity, siblings, for example, often carry the same basic colonies of probiotic bacteria even if they have lived far away from each other for most of their lives. This strongly suggests that the internal gut culture is established very early in life and is persistent.

All of these factors suggest that treating people for chronic inflammation with probiotics is not as simple as eating a cup of a particular brand of yogurt each day. In fact, it may be more important to adjust the diet and take nutritional supplements that contain a balance of probiotic bacteria that are most likely to promote health.

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Is Allopurinol Safe and Effective? http://goutdaily.com/is-allopurinol-safe-and-effective/ http://goutdaily.com/is-allopurinol-safe-and-effective/#respond Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:46:23 +0000


Have you ever taken note of the long list of side effect warnings that come with medications?  I’m sure the answer is an unequivocal YES!  Have we been programmed to ignore these warnings because they are so forthright with stating them, no matter how quickly they run through this long and dirty list in a commercial?

So many of us are looking for quick fixes, especially when it comes to this excruciatingly painful condition.  When that attack hits we can pretty much be willing to cut off a limb to ease the pain.  Does that make us more susceptible to taking a prescription without even knowing what it could do to us?  Sadly, many of us are at the mercy of both our health conditions and the trust for our physicians to do what is right for us.

What concerns me the most about medications is that many of the side effects happen to involve the very organs and functions of the body that are already causing the problems in the first place.  For example, Gout is typically connected to something wrong with the kidneys and/or liver that is causing the under-excretion of uric acid.  Yet, Allopurinol warns specifically of it potential negative impact on both of those organs and goes as far as to state NOT to take it if you are suffering from any problems in those areas.  Do our physicians accurately gauge the condition of either or both of these vital organs before handing us this prescription?

From a personal perspective, my father developed drug-induced Hepatitis from only 5 years of Allopurinol use.  I think we need to be very careful and very aware of how we are treating this disease and make sure all options are on the table.  Many physicians are quick to dismiss the all natural supplement options.  It is not their fault as this is not part of the study and training.  Why all natural supplements and accurate dietary guidance have worked their way into some practices, we are still in the infancy of this knowledge and awareness.

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