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Kevin Eric Smith ,

Friendly Fighters Probiotic Therapy

Your immune system relies heavily on the health of your digestive tract, where over 70% of it resides. Ensuring you have sufficient friendly bacteria is crucial for managing this significant task.

Please continue reading below to discover why you might be struggling against harmful bacteria and learn effective strategies to combat them!

High Potency Micro Encapsulated Probiotic

For years, we've strongly advised our GC® Gout Care (item 1221 for Gout) customers to consider incorporating a high-quality Probiotic into their regimen. It's crucial to select one that offers room temperature stability, an extensive shelf life, and maintains consistent quality and quantity. A superior formula should ensure the survival of these beneficial bacteria strains through stomach acids and into the intestines.

We're delighted to offer an unparalleled formula - Friendly Fighters Pro®. This formula not only boasts an extensive shelf life and room temperature stability but also withstands gastric acids and heat. Friendly Fighters® comprise a carefully selected blend of beneficial bacteria, optimized for colonizing the intestines and delivering optimal health benefits. Explore the significance of Probiotic usage further below.

Micro-encapsulated Probiotics Info.
Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 30 Count
Micro-encapsulated Probiotics Info.

3 Uniquelny Selected, Viable Strains
2 Billion Cells Per Vege-cap
Available in 3 bottle sizes
1-month, 3-month, or 4-month supply option

Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 30 Count

30 capsules per bottle- 30 day supply - Over 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract. Do you have enough friendly bacteria to handle this large task?
Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 30 Count
1300Regular price: $18.95Sale Price: $15.95, 2-for-$23.00, 4-for-$40.00
Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 90 Count
Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 90 Count

90 day supply - The bowels are responsible for almost 30% of all Uric Acid elimination. Friendly bacteria is essential to this process. The combination of Probiotics and GC® GoutCare will equip you with the tools necessary to fight and eliminate uric acid build up.
Friendly Fighters Pro Probiotic: 90 Count
1301Regular price: $39.95Sale Price: $32.95

Are more cells always better?

More cells aren't always better when it comes to probiotics. Each person's body and needs are unique. While all probiotic strains offer benefits to individuals, certain strains may provide deeper support for specific health issues. Our 2 billion cell formula might offer greater benefit to one individual compared to other formulas with higher cell counts. Many products aim to deliver billions of cells, hoping that some will survive stomach acids to provide benefits. We bypass this issue entirely by offering micro-encapsulated products.

Our bodies face different challenges daily that can deplete vital strains of friendly bacteria. We strive to maintain sufficient levels of these bacteria to combat discomfort and disease comprehensively. If you're new to probiotics, explore more information below. Visit our individual product page for specific details on strains and their benefits. Click on the product above to learn more.

*Friendly Fighters® are specially formulated using Micro-Encapsulation technology to ensure their survival through the harsh acidic environment of the stomach. This protective coating enables the friendly bacteria cells to reach the intestines intact, where they can multiply and thrive, effectively carrying out their beneficial functions!

What exactly are Probiotics?

The intestinal flora acts as a protective barrier, guarding against infections by preventing the colonization of disease-causing pathogens in the GI tract. It accomplishes this by producing antimicrobial substances and stimulating the body's natural defenses. The term "probiotic" translates to "for life," and that's precisely their function - they promote life. However, our modern lifestyle often undermines their survival and disrupts the balance of suitable intestinal flora.

Factors that disrupt and destroy the good bacteria in our bodies include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Corticosteroids
  • Birth Control Pills
  • NSAIDS, ASA, Indomethacin, Aspirin
  • Chlorine in Water (drinking and bathing in it)

  • Other Factors Include:

  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Aging
  • Well done meats
  • Refined Sugars
  • Refined Grains
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Hydrogenated Fats and Oils

  • Indeed, the challenges to achieving intestinal balance are numerous. These factors often lead to a shift in intestinal conditions towards a more acidic and disease-prone environment. Supplementing with probiotics helps stimulate the natural re-colonization of beneficial bacteria while inhibiting the continued growth of harmful bacteria.

    Bad bacteria produce toxins, and these toxins contribute to the development of diseases. By inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria, we create an environment in which diseases struggle to flourish.

    *Micro-Encapsulation involves coating the particles with a specialized coating that shields them from the stomach acids. This process allows for the use of capsules because it ensures that all bacteria reach the intestines intact. Unlike other methods, Micro-Encapsulation reduces the need for excessive amounts of bacteria, as it enhances their survival through the stomach acids.

    Probiotics have been shown in studies to:

  • Stimulate the immune system
  • Help to digest dairy products by manufacturing the enzyme lactase
  • Have powerful anticarcinogenic qualities helpful against certain cancers and tumor growths
  • Help to lower the bad cholesterol and encourage healthy blood pressure
  • Aid to synthesize the B vitamins
  • Promote regularity and overall digestive tract functions
  • Help to recycle estrogen for women
  • Counteract the negative effects of antibiotic use
  • Create their own natural antibiotics used by the body to fight illness, infection, yeast, and any other disease-causing pathogens that threaten their territory.

  • * Probiotic therapy is commonly used in the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, migraine, allergies, Gout, rheumatic and arthritic conditions, candidiasis, Cystitis, Colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and even some forms of Cancer.

    The ideal probiotic should possess the following characteristics:

  • Multistrain
  • Highly Prolific
  • Tolerant to Oxygen
  • Tolerant to Acid
  • Tolerant to Bile
  • Capable of Producing Bacteriocins
  • Stable at Room Temperature
  • Highly Bioavailable
  • Supported by Clinical Studies
  • Affordable Cost Per Daily Usage

  • Friendly Fighters® embodies all of these qualities and more!

    Who should take a Probiotic?

    Anyone with:

  • Skin problems
  • Yeast overgrowth (vaginal, athlete's foot, jock itch, nail fungus, dandruff)
  • Weak Immune System (frequently sick with colds and infections)
  • During Travel (for both the travel of stress and the protection of different food and water)
  • Digestive Issues (IBS, Constipation, Etc.)
  • Kids in general to reduce infections (especially C-section born children)

  • In the context of Gout, probiotics have been shown to help lower uric acid levels. Given that the bowels are responsible for over 30% of uric acid elimination, probiotics aid in improving digestion. By enhancing digestive function and regularity, probiotics facilitate intensified uric acid excretion. Additionally, improved digestion ensures that the GC® Gout Care herbal blend is properly absorbed and utilized to its fullest potential, while also boosting the immune system to expedite the cleansing and healing process.

    Probiotic therapy offers benefits for individuals across all lifestyles, particularly in today's modern society. Probiotics not only maximize nutrient and supplement assimilation but also provide extra protection against disease by stimulating the body's natural defenses.

    Friendly Fighters® Probiotic will compliment our 100% all natural herbal blend, GC® Gout Care.




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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.