Alternative Health Research LLC

Gout Care By Smith & Smith Est.1998


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Kevin Eric Smith ,

High Risk Factors of Gout in Men




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by Smith & Smith Enterprises

Our goal is to bring you the latest in important information regarding your joint health.  We thank you for joining us and hope that you take the time to enjoy the information we have to share with you as well as our delicious recipes that show you just how you can have your steak and eat it too!  Please be sure to contact us should you have any questions at all!  Contact and site information can be found below.  Thank You!
News and Information

Obesity, Weight Change, High Blood Pressure, and Use of Diuretics as Risk Factors of Gout in Men

Title: Obesity, weight change, hypertension, diuretic use, and risk of gout in men: the health professionals follow-up study.
Choi HK, et al.
Publication: Arch Intern Med. 2005 Apr 11;165(7):742-8.

The authors wanted to find the link between gout and obesity, weight change, hypertension (high blood pressure) and use of diuretic (medications that increase the production of urine).

To do this, they examined data showing the incidence of gout in 47,150 male patients over 12 year period (1986 to 1998). These men started with no history of gout. Over the years, the authors documented 730 confirmed cases of gout.

When checked against body mass index, the authors saw that the risk of gout increases as such:

Relative Risk of Gout
21 - 22.9
25 - 29.9
30 - 34.9

This means that a man with body mass index of 35 or greater has almost 3x the risk developing gout as compared to a man with BMI of only 21.

When compared to men who maintained their weight (within a range of 4 lbs) since the age of 21 years, men who gained 30 lb or more has almost 2x higher risk of developing gout. In contrast, those who has lost 10 lbs or more saw their risk decreased by 61%.

The presence of high blood pressure increases the risk by 231%, whereas the use of diuretic increases it by 177%.

The authors concluded that obesity, weight gain, high blood pressure, and use of diuretics are important risk factors for gout, whereas losing weight has a protective effect.




Oven Sweet Potato Fries for Two


  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into wedges
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon Pure Himalayan Salt
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper

Preparation and Tip

  1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Toss sweet potato wedges with oil, salt and pepper. Spread the wedges out on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake until browned and tender, turning once, about 20 minutes total.

Coconut oil is the best oil you can cook with and the only that does become rancid with heat.   Yes, it's saturated fat, but its medium-chain triglycerides have a beneficial effect on the body and has received a very unfair bad rep over the years.  Research and you shall see for yourself! However, find a high quality cold pressed organic source is equally as important!

Click Here For More Info About Uric Acid


The study above shows us just how much one can contribute to the likelihood of gout and general inflammatory diseases by weight/diet alone. Extra weight and poor diet habits contribute to major acidity in the body which is a key factor involved in disease development.  Long term care and maintenace remains essential through a healthier lifestyle and key supplements. For more information, click on the link below. Feel free to email us personally at the address below for any specific questions you may have about this information or how we can help you solve your gout concerns. Addressing inflammation in the body is very important or it can quickly spiral out of control and lead to a host of other conditions!



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Smith & Smith Enterprises


168 W Main Street Unit 370
New Market, MD 21774


Phone: 1-877-633-4688

Email: customerservice@goutcare.com

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Alternative Health Research LLC T/A Smith and Smith Enterprises 11941 Main St. - Unit 130, Libertytown, MD 21762-1100 . All Rights Reserved.

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